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Volume 30 Issue 3
September/October 2024

From Diagnosis to Recovery: My Journey with Breast Cancer

TRE®: Have You Heard of It?


QHHT: Using Hypnosis to Access the Subconscious Mind

Walking the Road to Reconciliation on Treaty Lands

Come Home to Your Sacred Body

Canada’s Role in Creating the First Atomic Bombs: Prophecy and Policy (Part 2)

Introducing the Natural Health Product Protection Association (NHPPA): Championing Canadians' Access to Natural Health Products


by Kasandra O’Bertos
Kasandra O'Bertos artwork

“The mandala is basically a representation of the universe, cosmic unity, harmony, and balance, with the connection between human souls and the universe.”

MANDALA—the word mandala, pronounced mon-dah-lah, means circle in Sanskrit, an ancient art and healing form spanning back thousands of years. Stone mandalas are consistently found in ancient archaeological sites, in Turkey, Tibet, in Egyptian cultures, India, South America, and really all over the world.

In more recent times we see mandalas as beautiful large stained-glass windows in many old European churches, in crop circles, in our Native culture like dream-catchers and medicine wheels, in nature like a spider web.

Mandalas are always in a circle with a dot or circle in the middle—from there, the dot is surrounded by geometrical patterns which symbolize the universe. The central circle/dot is believed to be the starting point of profound spirituality and contemplation. The outer circle represents the ever-changing nature of life, that has no beginning or end. Upward triangles are a symbol of action and energy, and downward triangles represent wisdom, creativity and the pursuit of knowledge. Flowers are a symbol of balance, enlightenment, and spiritual transformation.

The mandala is basically a representation of the universe, cosmic unity, harmony, and balance, with the connection between human souls and the universe. The basic meaning behind them is that self-understanding can only occur if there is a deep connection to the universe. There is something about mandalas we—with our linear thinking –have yet to fully comprehend.

The Swiss psychiatrist Dr. Carl Jung recognized the powerful impact mandala gazing has on hyperactive and troubled minds, and used them successfully in his practice. A mandala painting is a functional art form when practised, or gazed at, and has a profound healing effect, subtly mysterious but powerful.

Mandala gazing represents a very cost-effective holistic healing modality, powerful yet subtle, takes neither training nor practice, a power portal conveying deep and trans-formative messages to your mind, body, and soul; a power portal that will address different aspects of your life. Each one of us is unique and different, yet we are all connected like in the mandala power wheel. The ebb and flow of the intricate design, and the gentle flow of colours will guide you to the centre—your centre.

A mandala meditation does not have to be long, a few minutes a day will have lasting effects and will change the energy of your day, and will give feelings of peace and joy, keep you grounded, and align your chakras.

Mandalas seem to have a meaningful connection to harmonics. Harmonics are making their way into conventional medicine and holistic healing modalities. If a transducer is placed underneath a metal plate of fine sand it forms into a beautiful mandala wheel. The sound of “ohm” also produces a complex pattern that forms into a mandala. It is speculated that they may be activated by certain frequencies, thus may activate biological and inorganic components. Sound frequency therapy is not relying on your ears, but relies on your body. Specific acoustical frequencies that have been measured starting in the 1920s, have a healing effect on specific organs. Studies in Denmark, at the Neils Bohr School of Physics, is proving that nerve impulses could be sound impulses. A visual presentation of the Schumann Resonance 963 is most often presented as a mandala wheel. A stunning correlation between sound, vision, emotion, and mind–body–spirit.

Also the Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto conducted a series of experiments exploring the effects of human consciousness on water. When water was exposed to positive affirmations and emotions and then frozen, it formed intricate symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing crystals, in fact beautiful mandala patterns. Dr. Emoto used high-speed microscopic photography to observe the crystals formed in the frozen water, after exposing it to positive thoughts. So obviously, thoughts and sounds are very closely related to mandalas, a bridge to yet mostly unknown effects and capabilities in holistic medicine.

In the realm of holistic health and wellness, the connection between our thoughts and physical well-being has long been a topic of fascination and study. The ancient cultures, who built unbelievable stone structures that survived thousands of years, most definitely are conveying messages to us which we have trouble fully understanding.

Our world is changing rapidly, and more and more ancient healing knowledge is coming to the forefront. Healing knowledge that goes far beyond pharmaceutical intervention and will give each one of us the ability to take charge of our own body and mind. To discover the power of mandalas is only the first step in opening a whole plethora of healing possibilities. By mentally “entering” the mandala and “proceeding” toward its centre, one is by analogy guided through the cosmic processes of disintegration and reintegration.
Be guided by your intuition to obtain a mandala and watch the magic happen. Your subconscious will guide you to specific combinations of the gentle flow of form and colours.

Kasandra O’Bertos lives with her husband on a beautiful acreage in North East Saskatchewan. She has been engaged in many kinds of artistic endeavours all her life, from fashion design, to fabric art, to oil and acrylic paintings. Her artistic inclinations in combination with her deep interest in holistic healing modalities, ancient cultures, practices, and archaeological finds, led her to the discoveries of mandalas. For anyone interested to obtain a mandala painting or arrange some classes, see her website okmandallas.com or email okmandallas@proton.me or call (306) 852-9035. From the beginning of June until the end of September 2024, her paintings are being exhibited at Broadway Health Collective 201 611 9th St. E. in Saskatoon.


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