Expressing Yourself Through Writing
by Cari Moffet

On a chilly winter morning in 2019, I came across an online group course challenge to “Write a book in 30 days.” Sounds crazy, right? Naturally, I signed up. Not because I thought I could do it—oh no—but because I didn’t think anyone could. I figured we’d all fail gloriously together!
In the first few days, we identified our genre and the average number of words that books in that specific genre usually contain. I did some math and BOOM—I had a daily goal: 1,333 words. Every. Single. Day. I’d sit down in the mornings with my laptop, coffee, and say a little prayer.
To say I was utterly shocked when I wrote nearly 40,000 words in 27 days is an understatement. Some days I wrote more, some days less, but the words seemed to just fly onto the page as though they had a life of their own. The group coach, Leonie Dawson, kept us all on track with her blunt but effective mantra: “Just write the f$$kin’ book.” It was like a war cry. No editing, no second-guessing, just mad typing as if our keyboards were on fire.
I’m not exactly what you’d call a “great writer.” In fact, let’s be real—I can’t spell to save my life, and grammar? Embarrassing, especially for someone over 50. Spell check and my editor are my besties. Seriously, if I can do this, so can you!
I knew I wanted to write in the self-help genre. I knew I had many words and knowledge in my brain to help others. My alternative health practice was booming with stories over the decades of how people found their own jaw-dropping “aha” moments, discovered the root causes of their problems, or were simply waking up to their own spirituality.
Let’s rewind a little. Writing has been my personal therapy for nearly half my life. It started in 1999, during my, “I’m 26 and divorced,” crisis. My counsellor introduced me to journalling. She insisted I find a notebook and start writing. It wasn’t for her to see—it was for me to get all my anger, hurt, frustration, and feelings of abandonment out on paper. It was also a way to dream, pray, and ask for what I desired in life. It became my secret weapon—a way to get all the chaos in my head out in front of me where I could see it.
I now have about 25 journals stuffed with random words, boxed away in my basement. They have been my constant, my friends, my sounding board. In fact, I don’t know any other way to process my emotions as effectively as writing does. This makes it hard to discard these forgotten scribbles.
My published books weren’t just me processing life—they were tools for my clients. After 26 years as a massage therapist, I transitioned into energy healing. (Yup, that’s a real thing!) Energy work brings about interesting conditions and experiences. This is what lights me up and resonates high on my joy meter! This modality also brings about many unexplained experiences that people are becoming more and more interested in.
My clients show up a lot in my writing. Everyone is there with permission. Everyone is excited to be written about in a chapter. Their stories fascinate me. Their stories connect with me. Their stories help others.
We are coming out of an age where no one talked about their experiences. No one who grew up earlier than the ‘60s and even the ‘70s talked about abuse, hardship, emotions, hurts, relationship struggles, self-esteem, or personal power. Heaven forbid we talk and learn from each other about how to solve a dispute, or how to cope with the death of a loved one. These are the hot topics that people are just begging to get real with. These are the topics that advance the soul’s existence.
I write to express, to open conversations, to talk about the topics no one likes to share. I love it all—I find it fascinating. We all have stories to tell. I remember a mentor of mine saying that we all have an average of three books in us.
Are there things within you that need to be shared? Maybe writing isn’t about publishing a bestseller—maybe it’s just for you. A way to release those tough emotions, process hardships, and get all the mental clutter out of your head. I just want to encourage you to find a notebook, or start typing. Create your own writing space with a comfy chair, soothing music, and your favourite beverage. Give yourself permission to express without editing. Allow the words to flow, and who knows—maybe there is a book within you too. Your life experiences and how you’ve navigated through them may help many people. Even if your words are not to be shared with anyone, allow yourself to find more peace through the expression of your writing.
Cari Moffet is an energy healer, medical intuitive, spiritual life coach and meditation facilitator. She has been in the alternative health field since 1996 and she loves guiding people to make choices to enhance their well-being in a natural way. In 2019, she published an Amazon #1 best-seller entitled, It’s All about Energy, A Beginner’s Guide to Accessing Your Energetic Power Physically, Personally, and Professionally. This year, 2024, Cari wrote a sequel to her first book, It’s Still All about Energy, which continues the journey into energy and spirituality. This has become her passion, to share the simplicity and importance of working with this in our lives. When not working with clients, you can find her playing piano, or saxophone, for the local concert band, doing pottery, travelling, reading, or paddling her kayak down a northern Saskatchewan lake. For more information,
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