Sacred Geometry For The Soul Volume II
by Ann Chatfield

Channelling and creating volumes of mandalas was never on my bucket list, but after many days spent with my guides in my Akashic records, it became clear that it was to become part of my life purpose. I have spent my whole life watching, studying, and working with the flow of energy. I am trained in many modalities and have found that working with the mandalas and in the Akashic Records is my favourite way to help others, as both function on the basis that we are perfect at this moment, and both raise the frequency of your being to the highest potential during the session. All of these mandalas are channelled from the Akashic realm by me asking what my purpose is, and how I can best be of service to others in this life.
It is no secret that we are going through a time of change and that sometimes what is going on around us can be overwhelming and confusing. Actually, I have come to learn that the only consistent thing in life is change, and it is always going to be there. Both books, Sacred Geometry for the Soul Volume I and Volume II, are here to be of support to people on all levels going through the changes life brings their way every day. It does not matter if you are a master healer, someone who dabbles in energy work, or someone who knows nothing about the flow of energy. The descriptions of sacred geometry and the mandalas in this new book (Volume II), are here to be of support to everyone who comes into contact with them. Their only purpose is to help you be the best you can in every moment.
The first mandalas were created in 2017, on my dining room table, and I did not understand what they were, or how to use them. I saw them as paintings that gave me joy to create. In 2021, after filling my home and office with about 140 of them of various sizes, I was guided to put them into volumes of books so others could access them. When I started compiling them, the information about what each one was created for, simply flowed. Sacred Geometry for the Soul Volume I was published in the fall of 2022, with Volume II coming out in 2024. The mandalas in this book are put in the order as directed by my guides, Volume I focuses mostly on chakras and our body, and our soul work from the inside, while Volume II focuses more on our relationship to everything else in our lives, the world, and the universe.
Creating them is a continual learning process for me. Each time I add a new one to the fleet, it makes the energy of all of them more potent; thus, making us all stronger each time we work with them.
In the last two years, it has become apparent to me that these mandalas are ancient Lemurian Light codes that are being sent back to us to use. We are all children of Lemuria and have Lemurian roots…the basis of a long-gone world that was created as heaven on earth… beautiful, compassionate, functional, earth-friendly, and filled with love and joy. Our purpose was not to gain wealth, but to expand our spirit and honour the earth and the solar system we lived in. We were here to experience as much as we could while being in our earthly bodies. Every life was a gift and treasure. Everyone was guided to do what they loved and shared their gifts. Children were cherished and everyone helped raise and support them to grow to find their gifts of purpose. Their currency was love. We all have the capacity to remember who we are and what we came here to create in this life. Both volumes of Sacred Geometry for the Soul are here to support you and find your way home.
The mandalas in this book are fast and easy to use. Personally, I love the fact that I can quickly pick up my book and improve my day pretty much instantly. They are a fabulous support for any day I need clarity about something. Professionally, they are also great for doing quick group meditations and getting people focused on the task at hand. They really balance and align and change the flow of energy pretty much instantly. This isn’t just a book as much as a treasure chest of easy-to-use energy tools that are always working to clear and uplift anyone in its vicinity. Honestly, I don’t know how they work. I don’t know how my cell phone works either. I just know I wouldn’t want to go without either of them for a day.
Sacred Geometry for the Soul II was channelled and written in Saskatoon, SK., where Ann Chatfield lives with the love of her life and her little dog. She loves time spent with her husband, their children and partners, and grandchildren, gardening, camping, creating, and things that bring joy to others. She is a full-time employee of Roadways Literacy, and does online Akashic Record readings with people in the evenings and on weekends. Books are available from Amazon, and books, mandalas, and jewelry with these mandalas on them are available at Crystal Cove, 1010 8th St. E., in Saskatoon. For more about Ann and Sacred Geometry for the Soul II, visit |