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Volume 30 Issue 4
November/December 2024

The Bitter Truth About Sugar: A Silent Saboteur of your Health

Facets of Facials

Emotional Release on a Ball

Expressing Yourself Through Writing

Unleash Your Inner Calm: Break Free from Anxiety and Reclaim Your Life!

Sacred Geometry For The Soul Volume II

Uranium Three Ways: Yellowcake, Radon Gas Testing, and the Healing Tree for the World


Melva ArmstrongEditorial
Volume 30 Issue 4— November/December 2024
by Melva Armstrong

Oh, look! It’s the November/December 2024 issue! This one is special because it reminds us to sit back, with a hot cup of tea, and to look back in our thoughts at 2024, all the while being grateful for the many and beautiful blessings that have occurred throughout the year.

It’s hard to believe how quickly the year has flown by, and yet it also feels like it has been a whirlwind. Although the spring was slow in starting, we have been blessed with a super sunny and unusually warm summer and autumn, that has extended well into October. For all the gorgeous weather I am truly grateful.

With all the activity in each of our busy lives, I personally find it most helpful for good health to find ways, each day, to slow down and do some meditating, slow walking and earthing, some breath exercises, as well as resting more often, and breathing in the healing energies of Mother Earth. I like to keep in touch with friends and family and to have some fun time just to let go and be silly, and perhaps do a little dance from time to time, to keep the muscles stretched and active. My wish for all of you is that you are keeping yourselves healthy, happy, and living each day to the fullest.

As I put each issue together, I’m always aware of the importance of sharing information that I feel will be valuable to help you on your life journey. I think most of us are trying to figure out what our purpose is for being here on earth. And if WHOLifE can provide some helpful tips along the way to help answer that question, then I feel my mission has been accomplished.

It has been another enjoyable and exciting production time working with all the delightful wellness-oriented folks who have chosen to participate, in a variety of ways, in this November/December issue.

I’m happy to have Judith Graile back again with her Mindful Eating column. This time she has chosen to write on The Bitter Truth about Sugar: A Silent Sabateur of Your Health (p. 8). It’s a perfect right time for this topic as we head into the festive season and a time when many of us consume a great deal more sugar than usual. She explains how sugar can negatively affect our overall health, and then she provides some alternative ways of keeping too much sugar out of our lives and still have some sweet treats. Judith has also provided a couple of challenges to you, in which you can participate online with her guidance, training, and experience. See the details about that at the end of her article.

Cari Moffet, from Wholelife Wellness in Meadow Lake, SK, has recently written two books, and through her writing process, she has discovered how much happiness, enjoyment, and self-awareness that the process has brought her. Therefore, she felt excited to share her experience with others in her article, Expressing Yourself Through Writing (p. 14). She is encouraging everyone to consider putting pen to paper and discover the joys and surprises that await you as the experience teaches you how to express yourself more fully, which is a truly healing experience.

Giti Caravan, a certified counsellor and psychotherapist, has provided a number of transformative benefits of “releasing” in her article, Unleash Your Inner Calm: Break from Anxiety and Reclaim Your Life (p. 16). She offers a unique six-session program to help people release the negative aspects from having too much anxiety in their lives, and to get back to being their authentic themselves. And then from a physical and emotional perspective of “releasing,” we have Lorrel Elian’s article, Emotional Release on a Ball (p. 12). Lorrel teaches Yamuna Body Rolling which is known to provide emotional release using a ball—imagine rolling the physical pain from emotional trauma away through using a ball. What would you like to release in your life? Be sure to read her article full of stories of how she and others have released physical pain from their bodies that has been with them for many years.

Be sure to read on, as there is even more interesting material inside these pages. I would also love to hear from you, so send me an email or a letter and let me know your thoughts. I’ll enjoy hearing from you.
Wishing you all a joyous festive season and a new year filled with goodness, kindness, and good health for all!

(The spirit in me honours the spirit in you)

Melva's signature


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