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Volume 8 Issue 1
May/June 2002

Wise Woman Celebration 2002

The Healing Garden

Moving Into Balance

The Crown Chakra & Spiritual Enlightenment


The Crown Chakra & Spiritual Enlightenment
by Douglas De Long

In ancient times there were mystery schools dedicated to helping initiates explore the mysteries of life. These schools flourished in places such as Egypt, Tibet, and Persia, and were believed to have their roots in Atlantis.

It was here that seekers of truth were taught to develop their psychic and spiritual abilities through special techniques, exercises, and initiations. One of the most important initiations, or rites, from thousands of years ago, still exists today. It is called the "First Initiation Rite" or "Great Initiation Rite" and involves the toning of special chants. The high priest of the respective ancient mystery school performed this wonderful rite with newly enrolled students. This ritual took place at midnight in various locations such as the Sacred Lake at Karnak, or in a secret chamber that existed below the Great Sphinx. The results of this initiation were profound and lasting for all who took part in it.

As the author of a book on "ancient teachings" I recognize the value of this ancient rite and have employed it many times on myself and on countless others. Many individuals on a spiritual path have experimented with this ritual on their own as well. The effects have been beneficial for everyone.

One of the chants associated with the First Initiation Rite affects the crown chakra greatly and the third eye chakra, or energy centre, to a lesser degree. The crown chakra, of course, is located at the top of the head and is linked on a physical level to the pituitary gland.

When intoned properly this special chant or sound will send a vibration deep within the head where the pineal gland is situated. This stimulates the gland and surrounding areas of the brain. As this happens the crown chakra will become "activated" and open up. This allows higher vibrations of energy to enter into the crown chakra, the body, and the human energy field, or aura. This energy is also referred to as "chi" or "universal energy" and exists all around you. It is in the air you breathe and the water you drink.

A brief description of this chanting exercise follows. The sound to use is "May" as in the month. Before you begin, take a deep breath in and hold it for about five seconds. Then exhale slowly and evenly through your mouth or nose. It is your choice. Repeat this breathing technique two more times. It is important that the deep breathing is done a total of three times. This allows some of the chi or universal energy to be absorbed into the lungs and ultimately the whole body via the circulatory system. This ensures that your brain waves slow down, that your auric field around you expands and brightens, and that you feel more relaxed. This is necessary in order to receive the full benefits of performing the "May" chant.

This chant should be done using a mid-C musical note. For those of you who are not musically oriented follow this general rule: When you chant make sure that your voice is in a mid-range, not too high and not too low. You can also experiment with the range and find the exact level that works best for you.

Now, take in another deep breath and hold it for a few seconds. Then, as you exhale out your mouth intone the sound M-A-A-A-Y-Y-Y until all your breath has been expelled. Let the pitch of your voice rise and fall a little as you do this. Take in a second deep breath, hold it once more for a bit and then repeat the chant. Intone the chant a third and final time. Once completed, just relax for a few moments.

Some of you may start to notice certain physiological things happening during or just upon completion of this "Crown Chakra Exercise." For others the results may be slow at first and less significant. In these cases, the results will be subtle but effective even though you may not be fully aware of it.

One of the effects of this exercise is a feeling of "tingles" on the top of the head where the crown chakra is located. This is a sign that the crown energy centre is opening up. It is starting to receive higher vibrations of universal energy from the heavenly fields above. It is also an indication that neurons are firing in the cerebrum of the brain, creating new pathways to other areas within. The cerebrum is the major mass of the human brain–this is where some of your psychic abilities are stored.

As these pathways open up, universal energy and electrical stimulation are sent to dormant cells of the cerebrum that contain some of your psychic gifts and abilities. These cells will then be activated allowing you to begin using some of these untapped abilities.

The pituitary gland is stimulated at the same time. Although this gland has many physical purposes it has a psychic and spiritual purpose too. When it is stimulated it begins to work as a receiver of psychic information and spiritual impressions. The potential of working with your angels and spirit guides becomes available. For those of you who already communicate and work with these wise beings your abilities will become enhanced.

Physically, the stimulation of the cerebrum and the pineal gland releases endorphins into the bloodstream. This helps to give you a natural high. If someone suffers from bouts of depression the Crown Chakra Exercise can prove beneficial in alleviating some of the condition.

Once the pituitary gland has been activated on a physical level and the crown chakra has been opened on a psychic level, more psychic and spiritual gifts will unfold. Some of these are as follows: intuition increased, creativity expanded, clairvoyant abilities (to see beyond the norm) developed or enhanced, and empathic abilities developed or enhanced.

For many of you these gifts will allow you to become aura readers, energy healers, spiritual mediums, and medical intuitives. If you are already engaged in any of these pursuits these attributes will be enhanced.

Spiritual enlightenment is a goal that everyone should seek. A spiritually developed or enlightened person affects the world around him or her in wondrous ways. When you become enlightened your soul within will become a beautiful light to others. Enjoy your spiritual journey!

Douglas De Long is the author of the best-selling book, Ancient Teachings for Beginners and of the new meditation CD, Ancient Initiation and Angel Meeting. He is a spiritual teacher, counsellor, past life therapist, chakra master, and medical intuitive. With his wife, Carol, he operates the De Long Ancient Mystery School in Saskatoon. Both Carol and Douglas are dedicated to helping all people open up and develop their innate psychic and spiritual potential. For contact information and upcoming classes call (306) 652-0346, email: mysteryschool@shaw.ca, website: www.delongmysteryschool.homestead.com.


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