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Volume 8 Issue 1
May/June 2002

Wise Woman Celebration 2002

The Healing Garden

Moving Into Balance

The Crown Chakra & Spiritual Enlightenment


Volume 8 Issue 1 — May/June 2002
by Melva Armstrong

It’s spring and time to celebrate the rebirth of Mother Earth! When this issue comes out our earth mother will be creating new buds on the trees, song birds will be returning and building their nests while singing their hearts out, and everywhere folks will be out walking and enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. Ah, life’s simple pleasures!

This issue marks the start of year eight of WHOLifE Journal. Another anniversary and a joyful one it is! I get to meet such wonderful folks in every aspect of this business. I find it very rewarding and I trust and hope that the clients and readers of WHOLifE Journal are pleased with the quality of it. I get lots of positive verbal feedback that it is well-done, very informative, and attractive, so that leads me to believe it is being well-received and is providing a valuable service in our province. I would, however, really enjoy getting more written feedback from you, so please take some time to write your thoughts and opinions down and send them by regular mail, fax, or email. The more communication I get, the better I can serve you.

When I realized it had been seven full years that I’ve been publishing WHOLifE I started thinking about the changes I have noticed over that time period. I have certainly had my own personal changes and growth, for which I am grateful, and I have also observed that the wholistic community within our province has grown and unfolded in many magnificent and powerful ways. I have seen incredible growth and changes in the lives of our advertisers, our writers, and all those who have contributed in various ways to the journal since it began. All these folks have been sharing their light, energy, and healing gifts in Saskatchewan for many years, and I can see where their work has had an enormous positive impact on the health and well-being of many people, as well as on the environment. I am also aware that quite a number of new folks have moved into this province and, in so doing, have brought with them their many healing gifts to share. So, in retrospect, I would say we have grown tremendously and are all blessed with an abundance of wealth and treasures in our province.

As I begin this new year my heart is filled with gratitude and thanks for all those advertisers, writers, printers, and volunteers who have contributed so much to the success and growth of WHOLifE. With the combined efforts of all of us we have been able to provide a valuable tool to help "bring people together" who have a common goal of good health and wellness. I look forward to sharing more wonderful, healthy experiences with everyone. Please remember we are always looking for articles and any information about new and unique happenings in our community, so keep us informed so we can pass it on.

As part of the organizing committee for the second annual Wise Woman Celebration, I am happy to say that our plans are well on their way and we are certain it is going to be another wonderful event like last year. We have a new location at St. Andrew’s College on the university campus. Our theme is Gaea, Mother Earth, and Nature and we are thrilled that Cathy Fenwick, whom you are familiar with as a regular writer in WHOLifE, will be our keynote speaker. She will introduce us to the Great Goddess Gaea (Goddess of the Earth) and teach us how to connect deeply with the spirit of Gaea through the goddess energy manifested in nature. Cathy will also be presenting a playshop on the role of trickster in storytelling. We have an enormous number of empowered, beautiful, and talented women in Saskatchewan and many of them will be part of this year’s celebration, so be sure to read through the entire article and see for yourself what wonderful gifts these women are offering us. The Wise Woman Celebration is open to women of all ages and I encourage you to join the celebration, where you will dance on the earth and let the wind blow through your hair! You’ll be energized for months to come!

There are wonderful articles inside–well-written, informative, and interesting–focusing on a variety of body, mind, and spirit issues. We trust you will enjoy them and that they will provide you with new knowledge and add some delight to your life’s journey. Enjoy and Blessed be!

(I honour the Spirit in you!)

Melva's signature

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