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We believe in providing information on the abundant choices that are available in order to fulfill a healthy and whole lifestyle. We believe there is a need to maintain a connecting link among all those who have a common goal of good health and well-being. We believe that communication is a vital element in our community's growth and development. We know that the mind is unlimited in its potential and we thus encourage our readers to share their ideas and thoughts with us for the good of all.


Volume 25 Issue 5 — January/February 2020

The current issueThe Challenge of Three Food Resolutions
by Sandra Brandt

As I write this for the article submission deadline, we are still experiencing the beauty of unexpectedly mild autumn weather. It seems like much too soon to make any New Year’s resolutions. But then one might say, quickly resolved, quickly forgotten. So why not start thinking about it well in advance? Indeed, why not start practicing in advance? Anytime is a good time to start. We live in an era of fad diets, where great resolve and great changes are embarked on at almost a moment’s notice, or at least at the mere publication of yet another new diet book, complete with compelling testimonials, often including famous personalities. The resolve and the changes are also often abandoned just as quickly, or else they just tend to quietly fade away, or even come and go, keeping hopefuls believing that sooner or later it will all miraculously come together and the promised results will be realized.

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Healing is the Best Gift You Can Give Yourself
by Beverly Lazar

My story began years ago, when I was a little girl growing up in a home where I could feel other energies. As young as I was, I saw spirits in our home all the time, and seeing these spirits didn’t scare me at all; I actually thought it was pretty cool and loved telling my parents about it, as it felt so natural to me. Unfortunately, my father didn’t always enjoy receiving the knowledge that my siblings and I were seeing these spirits in our home, and he tried to shut it down as much as he thought he possibly could. This was deemed unacceptable, and over time, I started to shut it out.

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Keto Quick Start: An Easy Transition to a Whole Food Ketogenic Diet
by Taranum Sultana

The popular ketogenic diet has attracted a lot of attention, because of its numerous health benefits, including losing excess body fat and addressing health concerns such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), hypertension, epilepsy, dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s diseases, etc. In fact, the ketogenic lifestyle is now being recommended as a preventive measure.

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How do Deal with Environmental Toxins
by Dr. Michelle Sthamann, ND

Did you know that exposure to small dosages of multiple toxicants, at levels below the toxic threshold, can still cause chronic health problems? Persistent and non-persistent chemicals in our environment accumulate in our system, and can interact with other chemical exposures to increase our risk of harm. These compounds have been shown to interact directly with the hormones, leading to a variety of symptoms and diseases. Many of these chemicals – especially heavy metals are particularly hard for our body to excrete. Reducing exposure is of upmost importance in preventive and curative medicine.

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Chanting on the Road to Wellness
by Jody Willows

The opposite of wellness is being sick. Health experts tell us we can create or disrupt wellness in our body in several ways. One is by the nutritious food we eat or don’t eat, another is by doing daily physical exercise or being a couch potato, a third is by taking care of our mental and emotional bodies. One of the ways of doing this is chanting. Although chanting is a lost art, it is defined as repeating or singing holy names [sometimes called “spiritually charge words”] either to yourself or out loud. Common forms of chanting that still survive are whistling, humming a tune to yourself, or singing hymns in church.

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Do You Feel Out of Balance?
by Susan J. Lee

I saw this saying on a T-shirt, “Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance you must keep moving.” It made me think, “What if the physical body is having trouble moving or aligning to your direction in life?” That idea sprang from BodyTalk philosophy, where all factors are playing out within the body, including what is going on in your life from past experiences up to the present moment.

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A Retreat in Cypress Hills, Saskatchewan
The Ultimate Transformational Experience!

by Jeanne and Dale Hoag

Why Go on a Retreat? Making time in your busy life to go on a retreat is a gift to yourself. It gives you the opportunity to invest in yourself and your growth. A retreat gives you a chance to breathe, pause, and look at your life from a new perspective; to reveal answers to questions that have perhaps been troublesome. Taking a retreat is a nurturing “time-out”; a time to rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit; to re-connect with your authentic self; to re-connect with nature; to reassess what you truly value and to consider if you are living your life in alignment with those values.

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by Melva Armstrong

We just had the longest night and shortest day, known as the winter solstice. The light will continue to increase from now until March 21st, when we have the equinox (equal day and night). Then the light will continue to increase until the summer solstice, June 21st, the longest day and shortest night. It is an amazing cycle that signals a powerful transition between seasons and the rebirth of the sun. It has many different meanings to different cultures and each one has their own rituals around it. For me, it has a sense of power and rejuvenation and rebirth. It’s like coming out of hibernation and greeting the sun. I trust many of you found time to acknowledge this special energy shift.

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Why Choose a Year of Plant-Based Eating?
So You Want to Build a Sustainable Home, How About Earth?
‘Heal’thy Self with Cellular Detoxification 2020
News of Note

Recent Issues
25.4 - November/December 2019
25.3 - September/October 2019
25.2 - July/August 2019
25.1 - May/June 2019
24.6 - March/April 2019
24.5 - January/February 2019

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